Versand am Februar 27 2021

We Are Not Victims. We Are Creators. | What If Cannabis Was Never Made Illegal.
So? What is your opinion? What do you think the world would be like if cannabis was not deliberately made illegal by those with very questionable motives? From hemp clothing, hempcrete, medicine and even smoking a peace bong rather than legally drinking just liquid depressants and energy drinks. Let's not forget those who died because of and for cannabis prohibition and the cannabis legalization movement. Isn't it amazing how powerful someone's thoughts are, the real question is who absolutely knows what their motive was? What about the driving force or the objective(s) of the one with the original thought? Truly no one but the one with the original thought who spoke into the ears of those with similar mindset. How did they get so powerful, is it money, politics or is it blackmail or all of the above?. I am not privy to this, however what I've observed is most are either elected or selected by the masses (voting hint).
OPPRESSORS ARE HEARTLESS: The collateral damage of cannabis prohibition has been bad for some, but even now that the truth has been revealed and what was deliberately hidden in darkness has become light, coincidentally in many homes across the railroad track and on the other side-of-town, it seems like nothing has change. Good news! the oppressed can now legally take part in cannabis legalization! But only primarily as consumers. The social inequities in the lucrative legal cannabis industry seems to be deliberate, a stark reminder of how cannabis probation targeted the money, power and respect of certain neighborhoods that took the brunt of this unjust war. Someone said war is what happens when language fails, but in this 'war' there was-no-language-to-fail. No broke down of agreements, this was a targeted economic assassination, like a 'hit in the head' from behind by someone you trust that you obviously shouldn't, or a racist selfish low blow to the groin of humanity.
MINDSET: Adapt or die seems to be the order of the day. To many of us in different ways although living in different corners of the globe, this pandemic has been and to some still is very challenging, so many hard life-changing moments and losses. This has caused many who already was facing difficulties before the pandemic to fold, and many to rise to the occasion. On April 20th 2021, at 12:01am eastern standard time, we will begin the first phase of our post-pandemic eCommerce store re-opening. We have been working hard behind the scenes as promised during the shut-down to bring you a better more exclusive and consistent product. Thank you for 'hangin' with us over the past few months.
FROM THE PODCAST: As unapologetic Black Renaissance Creators, at this point and time we are in a very unique position, speak up or shut up, so this podcast is for everyone but not for everyone, but for those of you who would like to listen to something different, something positive on the way to or from work, or looking for a cerebral joke while having a toke, we have strong feeling about issues affecting our culture, but do you, continue to do what makes you happy, chill and just listen in. Cotton For The Soul Podcast third season launches March 3rd 2021 @ 12:00am, the topic is Money, Power & Respect. We are not victims, we are Creators, now that Federal cannabis legalization seems to be imminent with the Biden/Harris administration, how can we use this cannabis legalization opportunity as leverage to recoup our money, power and respect from our oppressors by leveraging this natural mystic plant that is being systematically legally gentrified? Tune in.
T-SHIRT DISPENSARY NEWS: Finally it goes without saying, our brand was not created for everyone. We are really obsess about our customer satisfaction with our t-shirts and enjoy providing quality collectors art item in the form of a t-shirt to this very diverse and influential niche' in the pro cannabis clothing marketplace.
Art is not for the cultivated taste. It is to cultivate taste. - Nikki Giovanni
FUN FACT: Did you know that only ninety-seven t-shirts are made annually? (April 20th - April 20th). That's five t-shirt, per size, per design. We don't focus on demographics but on psychographics. The people who wear our brand are not only diverse, but uniquely diverse with one thing in common, they want to feel good and comfortable wearing a pro-cannabis t-shirt even though some may not be a Toker, or being the boss while wearing a Limited Edition T-shirt Art that rebelliously say "Yes! I enjoy cannabis" at the office without looking like the office Joker. "The feeling experienced while being in sensitive environments and just the obliviousness of the uninspired is worth it; because many will never inner-stand, over-stand or understand the true power of our t-shirts, unlike the cannabis industry online and offline oppressors, they have already done their research" - John Miller (CaribCreed California Clothing Original Leafy Genius)
FINALLY: Are we really creating a clandestine cannabis activism movement with our speakeasy t-shirt design? Only time will tell. You will never have to worry about getting the feeling that 'everyone' is wearing a t-shirt like you, we dislike that too, we believe that scarcity equals more value for this niche clientele, to understand this requires one to have a next-level positive class mindset. We always try to tap into the high-level thinking of those who wear CaribCreed t-shirts. ...And the results? They are not victims but unboxed and unapologetic agents of change, rebels of all different skin shade who reject the status quo, they are the dopeness renaissance, artists, creators, storytellers, t-shirt collectors & connoisseurs and everyday people with good vibes from around the world; who are highly inspired geniuses and creators. They are generation us and we are committed to using our gifts and talents to positively spark the influence of changing the world for the GOOD! | Peace And Love To All.
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